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Product overview

  • + High Capacity, Industrial Softener
  • + Very low salt and rinsing water consumption
  • + Short and fast regeneration
  • + Designed for heavy duty, industrial applications
  • + Intelligent monitoring / control system

High Performance, Duplex, Industrial Water Softener Series

BWT Water softeners

BWT Water softeners are now available in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and throughout Vietnam

BWT Group have decades of proven track record, world-wide, in the manufacturing and operation of residential, commercial and industrial water softeners. Whether you are looking for a reliable, entry level residential-, professional, commercial- or high performance industrial water softener, BWT has the right solution for you.

Our unique experience in water softener development and manufacturing ensures virtually the lowest salt and water consumption on the market for our products in their respective categories.

This translates into lower maintenance and running costs, coupled continuous, reliable supply of clean and silky water. BWT water softeners are now available in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and throughout Vietnam.

What is water hardness?

Water hardness is caused by Calcium and Magnesium ions in the water. They get into the water when it gets into contact with limestone and other rocks that contain calcium compounds.

This can happen for example when rain water flows over these rocks on its way to a reservoir. Rainwater is naturally acidic because it contains carbon dioxide from the air. It then reacts with calcium carbonate to form soluble calcium hydrogen-carbonate.

Water hardness causes a variety of aesthetic, technical and hygienic issues, that can be tackled with BWT water softeners:

Limescale deposit

Apart from the obvious aesthetic issues, lime scale deposits create an insulating layer around the heating elements of boilers, water heaters and other appliances that heat the water; while the uneven surface of lime scale deposits pose a potential health risk.

Hygiene and infection risks

Limescale deposits create uneven surfaces on and around the heating element of your household appliance. Uneven surfaces provide ideal location for bacteria to get attached to and breed.

BWT Water softeners not only remove water hardness but thanks to their unique technology, they also disinfect the water during the softening process to ensure safe, hygienic water without the risk of contamination.

Clogged Pipes

One of the most well-known consequence of hard water is pipe clogging.

Depending on the hardness of the water, the actual water usage and the diameter of the pipe, your waterpipe can become clogged in just a few years, or in extreme cases in even less than a year.

Unless a water softener is installed and used on time, the only remedy might be to break down the walls and replace the entire existing pipe network, which usually not only comes at a high cost but can lead to the temporary ceasing of all business operations on the premises e.g. in case of a hotel or restaurant.

BWT water softeners provide 24 hours protection from water hardness and take perfect care of your pipe network to ensure maximum return on your investment.

Lower heating costs

Calcium deposits, apart from being a potential hygienic hazard, also tend to form a very efficient insulating layer around heating elements of appliances (e.g. kettles, water boilers, heat pumps, Jacuzzis etc.).

Just a few mm layer of calcium can lead to over 70% loss efficiency and hence lead to much higher electricity bills and will inevitably lead to the costly replacement of all the effected heating elements.

Up to 50% less detergents, cleaning agents and disinfectant agents

BWT silky, soft water is also gentle to everything it touches:

Laundry washed in soft water feels fresh, clean and soft. Towels become cuddly, soft and fluffy. Cutlery and crockery are given a real shine.

Thanks to the soft water all this can be achieved with up to 50% less detergents, cleaning - and disinfectant agents.

Extended operational life for household appliances

Clean and soft water is not only essential for our personal hygiene but also for our expensive household appliances to ensure that they will function for as many years as possible.

Deposits created in expensive dishwashers, coffee machines or washing machine can significantly and irreversibly reduce the operational life of our appliances.

Soft Skin and Shiny, Silky Hair

Soft water also has positive effect on our skin, hair and body.

BWT silky, soft water pampers you, it feels pleasantly soft on the skin. Every shower, every bath becomes a real pleasure.


In Sports


Following numerous successful marketing campaigns in recent years, BWT is ready to surge ahead to the very pinnacle of motor racing in the DTM, the most popular international touring car series.

BWT in Formula 1

The partnership represents BWT’s first involvement in Formula One as the brand takes advantage of the sport’s global footprint to promote its unique water treatment products, such as the BWT Magnesium Mineralizer.


BWT is a Partner in winter sports and is a proud supporter and sponsor of ski jumping and Alpine Ski World Cup.

Global Presence

BWT Group, Europe Number 1 in water technology - present in over 80 countries worldwide.